County Prayer Leaders
California County Information

Contra Costa County Leader

Wyatt Ptak was raised in San Jose and currently lives in Richmond. He became born-again shortly after enrolling at Bethany University in Santa Cruz. He and his wife Daisy married in 2009. They have two children, Amelia and Samuel. Wyatt serves on the Central Assembly Church Board in El Sobrante and volunteers with Redigging the Wells of Revival under the direction of Pastor Cyril Rayan.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Contra Costa County Prayer Leader Wyatt Ptak:

El Dorado County Leaders

El Dorado County is wrapped around Highway 50 and covers beautiful mountains and valleys that glorify God with their color, grass, and trees.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA El Dorado County Prayer Leader Jim Milner:

Lake County Leader

Hello, my name is Valerie House and I have been the Lake County, CA representative for Pray California since January 2013. I have had the honor of leading the Lake County House of Prayer Friday Noon Prayer Call since 2013 as well. Leading a prayer call for our county has been wonderful in keeping a finger on the pulse of what God is doing and what needs to be addressed in prayer.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Lake County Prayer Leader Valerie House:

Los Angeles County Leaders

But God had an awesome plan. The mess is nothing to God & an opportunity to redeem what was done and lost. Glory! Joseph clung to the Lord- He was his everything. Your season of training is almost through. You’re ready to do all that He has prepared you for. The Lord has well-equipped you to save many now for His name sake.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Los Angeles County Prayer Leader Richard “Rich” Esquivel:

Madera County Leader

Brittany is a Wife, Homeschool mama, Friend, Registered Nurse, Birth Educator, Advocate, Political activist, Story teller, and Follower of Jesus. She is married to her high school sweetheart and together they have two precious daughters. She is an advocate for medical freedom and the sanctity of life; the unborn, elderly, trafficked, and medically managed. She believes prayer is powerful and essential; it’s the foundation of everything they do and all that they are.

Marin County Leader

Brian Tada is a Prayer Warrior with over four decades of experience participating
in various prayer initiatives supporting California, the USA and Israel.
He presently serves as a member of his church’s Freedom Ministry prayer team.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Marin County Prayer Leader Brian Tada:

Mariposa County Leader

Mariposa, the butterfly, being transformed by the love of God, His goodness, His mercy and grace, the city on the hill which can’t be hidden.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Mariposa County Prayer Leader Bobbi Dupertuis:

Monterey County Leaders

CarolAnn Pardois the founder of Kingdom Alliance International. She is Holy Spirit-filled and has a deep passion for networking with other five-fold ministries, believing that each plays a crucial role in advancing the Kingdom of God. CarolAnn is committed to seeing harvest, revival, and renewal come to Monterey County, and she tirelessly works towards these transformative movements through prayer and intercession. Her visionary leadership and unyielding faith inspire many to unite in fervent prayer for a spiritual awakening in Monterey and its expansion to other states and nations.
Lisa Cook is a prophetic minister of the Lord and the founder of 4 His Beloved Ministry a non-profit born out of a vision to connect hearts with the heart of God. Lisa is native-born to Monterey County where she and her husband currently reside.
The name “Monterey” comes from the Spanish word “Monterrey”, meaning “King’s Mountain.” Together through prayer and prophecy, we are declaring the glory of our great King and Savior Jesus Christ shall be magnified and amplified throughout this region and beyond!

Orange County Leaders

I’ve been involved in the choir, now worship team since 2008 and I’m in the church council since 2015. During those times, I’ve done various leadership roles in choir, discipleship class, and have gone to mission trips to Peru and Philippines.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Orange County Prayer Leader Janeth Baldemore:

Sacramento County Leaders

Ministers Michael and Trisha Phillips are the founders of Grafted Together Ministries. Their passion is to dig into the ancient Hebrew scriptures, to discover the Hebrew roots of our Christian faith and share these discoveries with the body of Christ.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Sacramento County Prayer Leader Trisha Phillips:

San Diego County Leaders

Since 1987 Matthew and Amy Stoehr have served together as shepherds, ministering the love and salvation of Jesus Christ in North San Diego County. The River Family Church Service Time is 9:50 am, come early to join for prayer at 9:30 if you would like. Address: 390 Mimosa Ave., Vista, CA 92081
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA San Diego County Prayer Leader Amy Stoehr:

San Joaquin County Leader

My Passion is to share the Light and Love of Jesus Christ to the World. Through servant driven living. I am an Aesthetician (skincare specialist) for 18 plus years and Candle Creator for 3 years now. I love to serve and create with my hands and to bless others in the midst of the work that is done. Above all I love to obey the Lord and do His will.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA San Joaquin County Prayer Leader Cristina Mixon:

Sierra County Leader

Janet McHenry is a national speaker and the author of 25 books—six on prayer, including PrayerWalk and The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus. She and her rancher husband, Craig, have lived for over 40 years in the Sierra Valley, where they raised their four children. A former educator, Janet leads the prayer ministries at The Bridge Church in Reno and is on the California state leadership team for the National Day of Prayer.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Sierra County Prayer Leader Janet McHenry:

Sonoma County Leader

Sweet, Holy Spirit-filled Emylie has known the Lord for nearly 52 years. She is married with two adult daughters and two granddaughters. She and her husband attend ‘Calvary Chapel the Rock’ in Santa Rosa. Emylie loves the Lord, His Word, and people!
She facilitates an hour weekly on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, and also teaches a Bible study twice monthly to a few precious homeless ladies at the Redwood Gospel Mission Shelter. Serving as a caregiver over the years, her gentle spirit and compassionate heart filled with the love of Yeshua-Jesus shines through!
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Sonoma County Prayer Leader Emylie Springle:

Stanislaus County Leader

On April 17, 1994, Yeshua HaMashiach HaAdonai (Lord Jesus Christ) appeared to Dr. Kate Hartman in a dream, thereby imparting a five-fold revelation of His blood, His Word, His love, His Spirit, and His Presence, and a imputing a call to “Go, tell all people everywhere everything I (Yeshua-Jesus) tell you. Show them everything I (Yeshua-Jesus) show you.” Since then, Kate has sought to obey that call with all of her heart. As such, prayer is her lifestyle, worship is her delight, the Word is her sustenance, the Presence of the Lord signifies her passion, and obedience motivated by love embodies her commitment. Thus, as an overflow of devotion, Kate has followed the Lord into a wide gamut of ministerial expressions at home and abroad, all of them grounded, built, and bathed in prayer, and looks forward with joyful anticipation to what God has planned for the future.
Contact PRAY CALIFORNIA Stanislaus County Prayer Leader Dr. Kate Hartman: