Life with Prayer is better...try it...

Research found a link between regular prayer and a greater positive affect, better emotional processing and emotional expression, and a greater sense of mission and forgiveness in those who practice it..


$35 per person

Kingdom Group of 5
= only $25 per person 
–  seats are limited*

We are encouraging you to buy
your registration ticket for the
23rd Annual PRAY CALIFORNIA Conference as early as possible.

Seats are limited.

Beautiful new larger facility in El Monte, California!

The conference may sell out. If tickets are still available, the price at the entrance will be $35. No exceptions.


PRAY CALIFORNIA is honored to endorse the 40-day fast for America initiated by the Cross[…]

Please click this link below, please read the Newsletter, look over our Speakers chosen by[…]

Listen in 3 Minutes and 38 seconds to the topics of prayer and in many[…]

Devotion on Prayer with Amy Stoehr

Devotion on Prayer with Trisha Phillips – 004 and prayer and song

Devotion on Prayer with David Andrade Guest Speaker David Andrade with prayer


Numbers are meaningful

And they blessed Rebekah, and said to her, ‘Our sister, be the mother of thousands of MILLIONS, and let your seed possess the gate of those who hate them’ (Genesis 24:60).

Rebekah is the mother of the twins Esau and Jacob – The 12 tribes of Israel spring forth from Jacob and therefore Millions today are called to possess the gate.

Counties in California
Continuos Weeks with Prayer Call
Annual Conferences
Hours in Intercession

Pray California County Prayer Leaders

ARE EXTRemely important for the PROTECTION OF THE COUNTY as theSE INTERCESSORS lift up the county before GOD

Hear from a few PRAY CALIFORNIA County Prayer Leaders:

Jim Milner


I enjoy Being a county prayer leader because I am around like-minded people and I know that God is working through me as we hope the community of El Dorado together.

El Dorado County is wrapped around Highway 50 and covers beautiful mountains and valleys that glorify God with their color, grass, and trees.

Bobbi Dupertuis


Come gather at the table, united, honored to be the County Prayer Leader for Mariposa  with Pray California.

Mariposa, the butterfly, being transformed by the love of God, His goodness, His mercy and grace, the city on the hill which can’t be hidden. – Chaplain Bobbi

Muna Haddad


Muna Haddad is a sold out lover of Jesus Christ, a hospice chaplain and the Founder of Love Unlocked, a nonprofit that helps foster youth and trafficked victims. 

Muna Haddad loves being a county prayer leader because unity intercession is beautiful and powerful. Miracles happen when we pray.  

The Stanislaus County name derives from glory.  May this county bring glory to Jesus. 


Mobilizing Prayer in California

Having established a vast network of statewide, nationwide, and recently also international connections with pastors, prayer leaders, ministry leaders and intercessors PRAY CALIFORNIA is the voice calling the watchmen onto the wall in California.

  • Weekly Newsletter informing how to pray
  • Weekly Wednesday Praise & Prayer Call
  • Annual 2-Day Prayer Conference
  • Collaboration with partners throughout the year

God & Family
Prayer & His Values

In this season of war between good and evil, truth and lies, light and darkness, we rejoice as we stand together as God’s Children with the hope of an eternal glorious life, with the promises of our Savior and King, with the help of Holy Spirit to face daily trials, with a Heavenly Father who knows us, who loves us, who is always with us and who is for us…we are blessed!


Laura Kitay

I first got involved in PRAY CALIFORNIA in 2015 at their annual prayer conference where I ministered with Chainbreakers Dance Worship Team. In 2017, I decided to join the Wednesday lunch hour prayer call. Then in 2020 we transitioned to praying on Zoom, and with the many growing concerns of the state of this State and country, we expanded the call to 2- 3 Hours.

I deeply admire our Director, Maryal Boumann, who has truly been a mentor to me as I have learned so much regarding specifically praying for this State of California, our governmental leaders, pro-life, the family, media, the arts and Yeshua’s beloved Israel. It has truly been an honor to serve as one of the State Capitol prayer leaders and Hospitality Chair for our PRAY CALIFORNIA conferences. I have been so very blessed by my God-family prayer team as we have grown together, deeply bonding through joys and challenges through the powerful love of Yaweh.

Caz Taylor

The time for armchair Christianity has long past. Being activated in one’s faith is vital in these days. The logical question is how.

If you are in or around California, PRAY CALIFORNIA could be your answer. Here, you will be able to come alongside other believers to pray and be empowered. Pray California is “for such a time of this.” 

Caz Taylor, broadcaster, author, Bible teacher

Olga Hermann

We have been involved with Pray California for many years and in that time, they have led and taught people from different states and nations to pray for many issues. Their prayers have moved the heart and hand of God for positive change.

Every believer can join, as it’s only through righteous prayers will we find Life giving solutions for ourselves, our families and communities. Please be a part of this move of God, as we join this amazing ministry to bring light to the darkness in California and beyond.

God bless you all,  
Rev. Olga Hermann – Director for Life |