Every Wednesday at 12 noon PT…
Since January 2010 PRAY CALIFORNIA has not missed a single Wednesday Praise and Prayer Call.. we are in our 15th year,
The first 45 Minutes we are dedicating to Praise and Worship, and Testimonials.
Sometimes we invite guest speakers to inform us about specific current topics. Then we pray for them.
The Newsletter of that week contains the prayer issues and topics we intercede for.
We are always led by the Holy Spirit and will follow how ever He leads us, we also pray for our partners.
Ways to participate in prayer with us…
Look at the 4 different ways that you can participate in prayer with PRAY CALIFORNIA…

We encourage you to pray with us LIVE and join our ZOOM call.
Access information for ZOOM is inside theweekly Newsletter.

If you are driving, working or just want to watch the reply later on, be encouraged and pray with us by watching the recorded call in thefacebook group of PRAY CALIFORNIA (Click link).

Each week the PRAY CALIFORNIA Newsletter is being sent to its subscribers, providing them with exclusive information what exactly to intercede for. Pray along!

We are also partnering with Global Net TV and other ministries that are interested to share the content and prayers of PRAY CALIFORNIA across the nations.
Sign up for our Newsletter
Get informed once a week how to pray and receive the ZOOM Call access information!